On January 29, 2015, for the very first time ever, I dated outside of my race. I don’t know if it is because people began to accept it more and it became more common (or if I just got better at tuning out negative comments), but here are the 8 most surprising things I have learned throughout it all…
1. "Friends" you thought were friends will begin to subconsciously judge you.
"No offense, because like, y'all are so cute together and all, but I personally wouldn't go that route."
2. Despite popular belief, parents are sometimes way more accepting than peers close to your age.
My parents said the guy could literally be zebra-striped, purple, orange, or polka-dotted for all they cared, as long as he treated me like I deserve.
3. Agreeing on movies, TV shows, or music genres to play is not as hard as you would think.
I mean, come on people, we may be different skin colors, but we are still human beings who can find common interests.
4. You will hear the same comments so often that you begin to become numb to the ignorance.
The amount of times I have to hear the phrase "y'all will make the cutest mixed babies ever" on a daily basis is unreal.
5.You will get disapproving head shakes from elderly folks when you are out in public...
Like the time we went to the movies and this elderly couple literally let out a groan of disappointment and avoided walking by us...
6. ...and not to mention the stares that come from very young children.
This happened so much on our vacation together that we began to keep count as a fun little game between the two of us.
7. You become exposed to things you never would have before and are constantly introduced to new experiences.
Before dating him, I never knew so many flavors of wings existed, and he never knew my mom made the best chocolate strawberries ever!