As 2016 comes to a close, I want to reflect on the 16 lessons I learned in what I will probably reflect on as the most changing year I've lived so far.
1. Put yourself first.
When this year started, I was a yes-man. I hated letting others down and saying no. Throughout the course of this year, I learned to put myself first, no matter how hard it would be. Even if it can ruin a relationship.
2. Give yourself a break.
This is one I'm still working on, but I've learned that life is terrible and will beat you into the dirt. It won't give you a break, so you need to be kind to yourself. You're the only person who can do that.
3. Don't say no without ever trying.
Don't ever, EVER hold yourself back from a decision because you believe you will fail. If you don't believe in yourself and you don't take a chance, you will never find out what life has in store. Who knows, you might just find your dreams coming true.
4. Treat yourself.
This one seems easy, but if you're like me and put everyone else first, finding the time to treat yourself, however that is, is the hardest thing in the world. But try it. Light a candle. Take a nap. Take a bath. Do you.
5. Don't be afraid of change.
Whether it's a new job, a new role or even a new haircut, embrace it. Live it. Let it change you in whatever way life guides. Change will only come when you embrace it.
6. Be open to failure.
Sometimes, things fall apart and you can't save them. You fail a class. You screw up royally. You lose someone special. You need to take the time to grieve and heal yourself, but move on. The world still turns. The sun still rises. Put one foot in front of the other and get out there and live.
7. Reflect on success.
Failure will stare you in the face and blind you to all of the good you've done this year. You got a good grade. You pet a dog. You made someone smile. You've done so much good, don't drown the light in the shadow.
8. Forgive yourself.
In turn with giving yourself a break, forgive yourself. For what you did this morning, yesterday, last week or last year. The past is the past and you can't change it. Don't spend ages beating yourself up over something that is out of your hands. Just learn and move forward.
9. Take risks.
Do something reckless. Be young and wild. Don't think about the repercussions. Don't think about tomorrow. Live in the moment. Whether it's texting a cute boy or climbing a literal mountain, just go for it.
10. Love yourself.
It takes time, but it starts with loving the little things. Instead of tearing yourself down, build yourself up. Take a selfie when your makeup looks good. Post a picture when your outfit is cute. Brag about how incredible you are to anyone who will listen. Love you.
11. Say goodbye when it's time.
Sometimes, people come into your life and they're incredible and you can't imagine life without them. And sometimes, you have to let these people go. It hurts and it's the worst feeling in the world, but it's better than holding on to something not there anymore. Reflect on all the time you spent together and cherish those moments forever.
12. Own your identity.
Don't hide yourself away. Let each and every facet of your being shine for everyone to see. Don't hide behind walls, doors or in closets. You were made for a reason in the way you are: perfect as can be.
13. Realize you have a purpose.
Life has a meaning. You have a purpose. You were put here for a reason, don't ever doubt that. Find what is important to you and find your reasons to live and embrace them. Don't let anything make you doubt your worth.
14. Don't be ashamed of your interests.
Whether it's a musical, a book or a dumb TV show, don't let anyone make you feel bad for what you love. It's cool to you and that's all that matters. End of story.
15. Don't take the blame for everything.
Things go wrong. It happens. Sometimes people turn on you, life gets harder or you just feel like things are slipping from your grip. But don't blame yourself for everything that goes wrong. Own up when it truly is your fault, but let the rest go. You are not to blame for each and every fault. Know that.
16. Take each lesson and learn from them.
Look at everything that has happened to you this year, good and bad. Cry. Smile. Take a walk. Let everything settle and learn from this year. Life is still going on. You are still here. You made it to another year. So don't make the same mistakes. Move forward in strides and be the person you were always meant to be.