1.Take care of yourself.
This is definitely the the most important thing that I have learned. You are your priority. You come first - not school, not partying, not some guy that you met last weekend, not your friend... YOU. When you put yourself first, you'll find that everything else comes a lot easier.
2.No one really knows what they’re doing.
Everyone acts like they know exactly what's going on in classes, and in life in general. In reality, we're all just trying to figure out. Everyone is just as lost and confused as you trying to navigate life.
3.Sometimes stress isn’t a bad thing… sometimes it is.
Stress can push you to finish that paper or presentation that is due tomorrow, but it can also push you over the edge. Try to manage your time as best you can to avoid drowning in work and stress.
4.You might gain weight; you might lose weight.
My first semester of freshman year I lost a decent amount of weight. I was very self-conscious about the way I looked and insecurity absorbed me. By the end of my second semester, I had gained almost all of the weight back.
Some people lose weight and some people gain weight during college, but there's no need to worry about it. You're in a very significant stage in life - enjoy it! Don't let a couple more or few pounds get you down!
5. More than likely you’ll end up being nocturnal.
In college, the clocks get pushed back a few hours. It's acceptable to take a nap at 7 p.m. and eat dinner at 10 p.m. Coming home from the library at 3 a.m. is a common occurrence.
6. Call your family.
If you're like me and your family is your rock, CALL THEM. Even if they're not your rock, CALL THEM. No matter where you attend college in relation to your home, you're still away from your family. They worry about you and miss you. Give them a call even if it's only for a few minutes. It'll probably make your day a little better too!
7. College is hard.
I have yet to meet someone who thinks all college class a breeze. Sure, you have Intro to Drinking Water and Reading 101, which might not challenge you, but there will be classes that will make your work for every grade. There will be classes that make you rethink or switch your major - and that's okay. Being away from home and living on your own is challenging enough without factoring in classes.
8. Mean people still exist.
If you thought you left them all in high school, you would be wrong. Don't let one bad interaction ruin your whole day.
9. Nice people do indeed exist.
Whether someone held the door for you walking into class or told you that your backpack was unzipped as you are walking around campus, you'll realize that there are nice people in the world. Try to be that nice person for someone else. A smile goes a long way!
10. Drink hella water.
The last thing you want is to have a headache from being dehydrated when you're already stressed, exhausted, and grumpy.
11. Figure out what de-stresses you.
Studying all the time is not good for your mental health. Find out what relaxes you and do it often!
12. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
We all make mistakes. We all have bad days. We all have a test we should've studied harder for. These defeats are only temporary; use them as motivation to do better.
13. You’ll love college at some points; you’ll hate college at some points.
There will be moments when you're screaming "I love college" out an Uber window on your way home from a fun night out with your friends. There will also be moments when you're overwhelmed with work and the only things you want in life are your bed, your family, your dog, and a home-cooked meal.
14. Embrace your surroundings.
I still struggle with this as a second-semester sophomore. You cannot expect to like the place you are going to school if you don't let yourself like it. The easiest way to embrace this new chapter in life is to get involved with something that interests you. It can be hard to put yourself out there, but keep pushing your own boundaries and eventually you will find something!
15. Ask for help.
If you're having difficulty in a class, ask your professor, your TA, or even another student to help you. Semesters fly by and if you don't understand the first part, of course, you will probably struggle with it moving forward. Don't be afraid to get a tutor -they work wonders!
16. A smile goes a long way.
Everyone has days where they feel like nothing is working out for them. Approach people with a smile and it could change their day and your day as well.
17. Pet every dog you encounter.
They are a rare sighting on most days. Take advantage when you can!!!
18. Ask for Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards.
Most college students suffer from caffeine dependency. Ask your family and friends to fuel your caffeine addiction to make yourself feel a little less guilty for spending $5 on a small coffee.
19. Don’t hang anything – especially a hanger – from a fire sprinkler.
For those reading from the University of Pittsburgh, you may have heard about the girl that flooded Tower B - that was yours truly. For the rest of you, just take my word for it.
20. Be yourself!
College is great because all types of different people are living in the same space. Being yourself is the easiest way to make friends like you. If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again! You will find people who like and value you for the wonderful person that you are.