This past week I accidentally dropped my phone and it decided to go completely dead. I tried charging it, resetting it and even pressing all of the buttons several times to see if that would do anything. That led me to having to wait until the weekend to be able to get it fixed. Here are few things I experienced while being phone-less.
I was able to truly experience a fun time with my friends. I mean I always have an awesome time with my friends, but being without my phone let me see how truly amazing each and everyone of them is and to reflect on that.
I was able to watch the world around me and truly take in the sights. I got to look at everyone around me at the restaurant when my friends and I went out to eat. I watched people around me and saw people with their family, friends, business partners, and coworkers. I saw the happiness that most were feeling.
I finally understand what people mean when they say “everyone is always on their phones.” I think that when we always have access to our phones we don’t realize how much we are on them.
My advice to you is to try and go phone-less even if just for a day and understand the freedom and enjoyment you might feel. I know I did.