It's safe to say after my first semester of college, I learned some things...
Here is a list of just a few of the things I learned.
1. Don't take your mom's homemade meals for granted.
Enjoy the homemade Italian pasta and meatballs, and eat a second slice of that apple pie because who knows when you're going to be feasting on that again.
2. Freshman 15 who?
The freshman 15 certainly does not apply to everyone. I can confirm that I did not participate in the gaining of 15 lbs. Thank you for sucking, dining hall!
3. You will see your best friends from home again, I promise
The Instagram shoutouts and graduation
4. Christmas time doesn't feel like it usually does
Papers on top of papers, studying 'til my brain physically hurts, countless hours in review sessions... where art
5. Sleep, Sleep, oh yeah, sleep
It's so easy to develop a messed up sleep schedule. Waking up for your 8 am becomes very painful when you take 2 naps a day. Even though it's difficult, limit the naps, and get a better night's sleep.
6. Call your mom!
Call your mom, your dad, your grandparents, heck
7. Your first semester may not go as planned
High school and College are two very different things. It's not the end of the world if your grades don't look like they used to in high school. College is an adjustment.. just takes time to get used to.