The rate in which people adapt to society is determined by the pace of their learning and thinking.
Thinking and learning put together as a culmination of goals, can help an individual adjust their life habits by pertaining to others that will help them speed up the process of advancing through boundaries or obstacles of their career more efficiently. In order to maintain a professional reputation, a person must decide what kind of learner and/or thinker they want to be. There are many different kinds of learners and thinkers in this world. We will start with the thinkers first. For example, thinker one slowly engages in decisions and reasons before coming up with a solution; they are considered logical thinkers. Thinker two develops an immediate, quick response in problem-solving and analyzing skill set to resolve a situation; they are acute thinkers. These types of thinkers could help you decide where your category of thinking falls and determine how you will approach the obstacles of your life.
However, being a certain type of thinker will conclude what kind learner you will be, which means that there are two types of learners in this world. The first one can allow you to steadily build better comprehension skills that would make you respond rapidly to the main idea of your perception or given subject which will put you in the thinker two category. The second type of learner will process the information, but can only understand some fragments of an idea that would allow them to slowly process or mentally struggle in any situation that is going on; therefore you are thinker one.
Many people enhance their education through the rate in which they are currently trying to apply to the environment that they are in. Some people are also trying to expand their type of learning and thinking by maximizing its limit. Every thinker is different than the other and could possess culmination of any these traits from either side. Everyone thinks and learns at a different rate, but what matters more at the end is how much you tried. It takes a lot of effort to think outside the box to become what you want to be in order to perform and improve results as a learner and/or thinker. The key is to think of a mistake that has been made and learn from it whatever it may be. So which one are you?