Somewhere along the line I believe that Jesus' message has steered off in the wrong direction when it comes to people with differing sexual orientations. I constantly see protests with signs against the gay community saying that if you're gay, you automatically go to hell. People often say that it is impossible to both be gay and be a Christian. Let me get one thing straight, being gay does not mean that you can't be a christian, and being gay does not mean that you are going to hell.
Yes, being gay is a sin, but all sin is measured the same way. This means that being gay is no different than telling a lie or thinking lustfully about someone before marriage; being gay is the exact same as the sins we commit everyday. I'm not saying that sin is okay, but what I am saying is that Jesus knows that we are going to sin and that is exactly why He died for us. Jesus loves you so dearly that He sacrificed His perfect and sinless life in order for you to be forgiven for the sins that you may have committed. He loves you no matter what, and will continue to love you. There is grace and forgiveness.
There is no sin big enough to separate us from the love of Jesus Christ. "Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:39.
While the gay Christian may have a few more challenges than the average person, it is very much possible to live a life full of Jesus! By loving God with all your heart, repenting for sins, and truly believing that Jesus died on the cross for you- you are saved.