What I've Learned From Chelsea Handler
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What I've Learned From Chelsea Handler

Because I love her and you should, too.

What I've Learned From Chelsea Handler

In a media dominated by Hillarys and Melanias, by Jennifers and Kims (cringe), finding a society-approved female role model is difficult. On one hand, our culture lauds female political and business powerhouses as what we should strive to be. On another, they are dubbed as cold, unapproachable, or masculine. Whether we choose to admit it or not, the female identity in a male-dominated world is still largely being formed, and as a result, many paths of womanhood are met with harsh criticism regardless of what they may be. One female that I particularly admire, mainly because of her effortless navigation and transgression of norms of womanness, is Chelsea Handler. Chelsea is outspoken, blunt, sometimes politically incorrect, and always hilarious. Her extreme approaches to — well — basically everything are met with plenty of head shakes and eye rolls, but every time she says something that she should not, I love her a little more. Chelsea has taught me the following.

Intention is everything.

As an student at a notoriously progressive private university, I have the privilege of learning just how to keep my phrasing politically correct. Admittedly, I sometimes find this restricting and feel slightly relieved by Chelsea’s comic relief in the face of a culture obsessed with political correctness. Do I tolerate bigotry? Absolutely not, but what I have learned from Chelsea is that a non-PC slip is not the end of the world, assuming your intention is progressive and tolerant. Chelsea does not claim to be an expert on anything and is sometimes clumsy in her verbage, but ultimately her documentaries and interviews are clever and enlightening. She is usually teaching me something new in the least acceptable of ways. Go, Chelsea.

Choose the path that you want.

Society constantly tells women to avoid spinstership; it is our holy duty to get married and have children. In an era that claims to be progressive, this is still expected after college and getting our careers on track. Chelsea is more than outspoken about her lack of desire to tie the knot and her general dislike of kids. She holds the torch as a successful, savvy female who still has a great time. Chelsea does not regret her choice to remain single and further her own career — indefinitely. And honestly, it looks great on her.

You can slut-shame all you want, but we are not listening.

Chelsea has gained a reputation of having a particularly -- ahem -- active sex life despite her relationship status. Unique to public female figures is her ability to mold her reputation as laughable yet respectable. To the Chelsea fan, promiscuity is nothing to be embarrassed about, and slut-shaming is dead. Chelsea makes no claims of celibacy — even subtitling many of her interviews with males with the statement, “Chelsea did not sleep with this person,” and does what she wants with only the occasional sarcastic apology. The comedian is also notorious for posting semi-nude photos of herself on various social media platforms with political aims. She perhaps most infamously posted a topless photo of herself riding a horse, parodying Vladimir Putin’s famous shirtless photo. The image was removed three times from Instagram, to which Chelsea commented, “Taking this down is sexist. I have every right to prove I have a better body than Putin."

A band tee with trousers and stilettos totally works.

Enough said. I have definitely never seen anybody else attempt this, never mind pull it off.

Dogs are people too (what?).

Canine-loving Chelsea has made a point to bring her beloved dog, Chunk, just as much success and fame as she has achieved herself. They are adorably inseparable, Chunk being by her side (or somewhere to be found on set) in every interview, documentary, and business affair Chelsea tends to. Most of us can attest to the unconditional love and happiness a pup can provide, and Chelsea is a proud advocate of this, even supporting various causes associated with animals.

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