8 a.m. classes aren't that bad.
The early bird catches the worm, right? As someone who has always woken up early, I suppose I can't speak for all college students. However, finishing all of my classes before 2 has definitely been worth the early mornings. If you want to get your day over with as early as possible so you have tons of free time, 8 a.m. classes are the way to go.
Everyone dresses how they want to.
My favorite thing about college so far is that no one cares what you look like. The variety of styles I've seen is unbelievable. Unlike conformity driven high school, my peers finally feel comfortable to truly express themselves through their clothing. And I have to say, it's a beautiful thing. I myself have even stepped out of my normal comfort zone with my clothing. Having the ability to express my style confidently without worry of judgement or a dress-coded is glorious.
The cafeteria food is as bad as they say.
Need I say more? Now don't get me wrong, I love food of all kinds. Everyone has heard that college food isn't the best. The real question is, are all of those rumors true? The answer is YES. If you have the chance to go elsewhere to get your fix, I advise you do so.
The homework isn't that hard.
High school teachers always claim that they are preparing us for college by overwhelming us with hours of difficult homework. But in reality, the workload isn't as hard as they condition us to believe. The work is much more time consuming than anything else. As long as you cut out a good chunk of time to tackle the work, you'll do just fine.
Keep up on your work.
Sure, the first couple of weeks you want to take the time to get to know everyone there (and maybe go to a few parties too). But make sure you don't disregard the whole reason you are at school in the first place. Don't get behind on your work due to laziness or partying. In the long run, you will end up regretting it. Get. It. Done.
The bathrooms are gross.
Let's face it, all public bathrooms are gross. Add a bunch of college students into that mix, and the result isn't pretty. Granted, the co-ed bathrooms tend to be more disgusting, but single sex bathrooms are a close second. There's nothing you can do about your peers leaving a mess in the bathroom, but you can help what you leave behind.
Pro-tip: Invest in some really good shower shoes. You'll thank me later.
The library is your best friend.
I may be one of the few that chooses to do my homework in the library, but I've found that I feel much more productive there. No one is rowdy or bothering you while you do your work. It also has every single resource you'd need! From textbooks to articles you may need for your classes, your library is guaranteed to have what your'e looking for -- and if they don't, they'll help you find it elsewhere!
Free stuff is awesome!
Remember, all colleges are different. However, most offer some pretty cool free stuff! Whether it's free tutoring or free laundry and gym use, you should really take advantage of it all! Let's not forget, you're paying some pretty high tuition bills, so make sure you utilize the free stuff!
As cliché as it sounds, have fun!
When it all comes down to it, make sure you're having fun at school. You are spending more than a pretty penny, as well as 4 years of your life there. It may be hard at times, but make the best of it! (Pretty soon you're going to have a lot more to deal with.)