If you’re reading this, you’re probably anticipating the start of college. College is something you can read about for days, but until you step onto campus as a student you’ll never truly understand what it’s like to no longer be in high school.
First, let’s dismiss the greatest myth of all. Your teachers have drilled into your brains that college is one of the most demanding things you’ll endure. They say your teachers won’t be nice or care and that you’ll drown in homework and tests until you earn your degree. While it’s all true, it’s also all false. Yes, college is demanding, but it’s doable. Your professors won’t care about your education unless you truly care about it. They are going to give back the same amount of energy you exert towards their class, so don’t be surprised when you skip out on class and start failing. That’s just what’s going to happen when you don’t take things seriously. Lastly, homework and tests are inevitable and they suck, but if you stay on top of it then there’s nothing to worry about.
Now that we’ve dismissed the common myths about college, let’s dive into what it really is. College is everything high school isn’t. It’s creating your own schedule for whenever you want, it’s people not caring that you show up in your pajamas or if you show up at all. It’s the place where you can find yourself. In college, you’ll have the opportunity to make your own decisions without feeling the full effects of your actions. It’s one of the last times you’ll be able to test drive life and adulthood, so take full advantage of that. High school was all about getting involved and focusing on getting into college while your parents handled the majority of the tough things (thank them for that, by the way). However, in college you’ll do things like accidentally apply for student loans (if you’re anything like me, you’ll do this). Whenever you realize you’ve started to acquire interest- aka messed up big time- you can always call mom and dad to help. That’s the beauty of restricted independence and responsibilities!
The transition from college to high school feels like a huge leap, but in reality it’s just a baby step into real life. There’s still homework, tests, teachers, and students. There’s still the pressure to feel like you need to maintain good grades. There’s still the nonstop impending deadlines. So if you’re freaking out about how college is going to look and feel, just remember not to fret. It’s something every college freshman will experience and every successful person with a degree has gone through.