Telling someone you live in Kentucky is probably the equivalent to telling them you're from another country.
For some reason, it's hard to convince people that, while living here, we have as normal of a life as others do in different states. But no, as soon as someone asks where you're from and you reply with "Kentucky," one of these faces appear.
1. "Uhhh really?..."
2. "What?!"
3. "Kentucky you say? May I ask a couple of questions?"
Meanwhile, we're just like:
"Yes, I live in Kentucky and sure."
***Incoming stereotypical questions...***
4. "Do you all wear shoes?"
*looks down* um.. yep.
5. "Does everyone own a horse?"
Ugh, no, I live in the city (yes, we have those, about 419 actually), and I own a car along with the millions of other people here.
6. "Do people actually marry their cousins?"
Well, technically, it's illegal to marry family members here in the state of Kentucky, but as far as what's going on in other states and their regulations -- that's none of my business.
7. "Does everyone only eat KFC all the time?"
First off, ew, no. Chicken all the time? Have you never heard of the food pyramid? #notabalanceddiet. Anyways, believe it or not, when you actually experience living here, there are so many chicken-serving restaurants that are honestly really good, meaning there's quite the competition for who has the best chicken. Therefore, there's a high chance that KFC isn't really the go-to chicken restaurant for everyone... Oops.
(cat's out the bag)
Moving on...
Last but not least, this ones a personal favorite.
8. "There are black people in Kentucky?!"