Whether you consider yourself an introvert, or someone with introverted tendencies, it can be pretty exhausting to deal with a world in which we are constantly both expected and demanded to interact with people. It might be very hard for the more extroverted people to understand those of us in the mostly introverted end of the spectrum, and because we're so introverted we'll probably never tell you this in person. So here’s to 10 things about what it's really like to be an introvert, as explained by Spongebob Squarepants.
1) It’s not about hiding- but about protecting something special.
It's absolutely terrifying to share anything about ourselves with others, but sometimes we find someone who's worth sharing with.
2) Being alone is not synonymous with being lonely.
It is a common misconception that introverts don’t like to be around people. We do, but it’s like we have this social battery that needs to be recharged every day, and the only way to do that is to spend some quality time by ourselves.
3) We are very good listeners.
We have a tough time expressing things to people- whether that be advice, our feelings or anything else- but if there’s anything we can promise it's to always be there to listen!
3) People might have a very different idea of you than who you really are
When someone is not talking, their silence might be mistaken as being rude or even indifferent. Unconsciously, people tend to fill in the silence with their own perspective of who the person is, when they really have no idea.
4) We take a long time making decisions
Everything we do has to be thoroughly thought about- especially if it involves or effects other people. But when the decision is made, we're sure we are doing what we think is best!
5) We learn to understand other people’s points of view.
If there's something we’ve learned by being silent most of the time, it's that we can’t be quick to judge anyone for anything. We will just never know what anyone might be going through that they're not sharing.
6) Our favorite conversations involve more than day to day topics.
Most introverts would agree that our favorite conversations involve deeper topics. We like to get to know people, and once we feel as though we are, it’s easier to open up.
7) We have unconditional appreciation towards our friends and family.
Opening up and talking to people is terrifying- which is why when we do we will never forget you were there for us.
8) A million thoughts go through our head every second.
All the time. No matter what is going on in the outside world- 99.99% of the time, there is a constant stream of thoughts going through our head. Because of this, it might be hard to keep up with what is going on around us, but we eventually figure it out!
9) We do wish we were more extroverted- but that’s not who we are.
We’ve definitely had those times we wished we had the guts to be more open and talk to people more often, but we eventually come to terms with the fact that those moments are rare. It doesnt happen all the time because that’s just not who we are.
And we eventually learn that that is perfectly okay.