Working in customer service can be hard. Working in two customer service jobs can be chaotic. People who have worked two summer jobs understand the stress and the responsibility that accompanies it. Is it worth it? Maybe you'll just have to read this article to find out.
1. Getting ready super fast.
Who cares if you brush your hair in the morning with a broom? I know I do!
2. Eating anything, anywhere.
I can eat a meal in five minutes now. I think I'll add it to my resumé.
3. Changing uniforms several times a day.
I've forgotten what it's like to wear street clothes.
4. Being able to relax anywhere.
Yes, I could sleep on a snake. Okay, maybe not. But you get the idea.
5. Getting very tired.
Seventy hours a week. Sixteen hours a day (well, not every day). Time becomes irrelevant and sleep becomes a rare commodity.
6. Ignoring your phone on your day off.
Sometimes you have to let your kite fly.
7. Sleeping very restfully when you get home.
And by sleeping restfully, I mean thrashing because of that dream you had where you forgot to give locker keys to any of your customers.
8. Needing a therapist when you get home.
Because customer service is hard and parents (and cats) are therapists who don't charge.
9. Charming the pants off of your customers.
It's all in the hair flip, the funny jokes and the gentle customer service voice.
10. Going a tad crazy.
You have to watch your attitude carefully when you work two jobs. Although it becomes harder to keep your cool in tough situations, it becomes even more important. Sometimes, your cat is your only connection to your sanity.
11. Complaining a lot.
Sorry, friends. I try not to complain, but sometimes, it happens.
Working two jobs is great, but you have to be ready to commit. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the long run. Warning: do not attempt to get a second job without first purchasing a stress-relieving, fluffy animal, such as a cat, a bunny rabbit or a gerbil.