What It's Like To Work In A Restaurant | The Odyssey Online
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What It's Like To Work In A Restaurant

Get them a refill, don't spill food, be nice and do it all with a smile

What It's Like To Work In A Restaurant
The Hollywood Reporter

The customer is always right. It's a phrase that I never thought twice about until I became the server rather than the customer. There are many people that have, are, or will work in the food industry. No matter what restaurant you've worked at, you have probably experienced these eleven things.

1. You're constantly doing something

It sometimes feel like you're running a dang marathon. You spend your shift running around the restaurant trying to get things done while not spilling food. You sometimes get so busy that a good cry session in the bathroom is necessary.

2. You have to smile all the time

If you don't smile people will assume you are rude. It's almost as if your smile will determine if they enjoy their food or not. You may have had the worst day of your life but don't you dare go a minute without a big smile on your face. If you stop smiling somebody may come up to you and say, "You should smile more". Thanks random bald dude!

3. You have to be nice to rude customers

Maybe the cooks got the order wrong or maybe you messed up, but either way the customers can get very feisty. People are crazy about their food. When this happens you have to choke down all the curse words trying to escape your body and be kind. Why? Because if you don't your manager will never hear the end of it.

4. Customers will talk to you like you're stupid

Some customers will think they know everything about the menu and the way the restaurant runs. They may have been just stepping into the place for the first time but they will act as if they own the place. They will talk to you as if you were born yesterday and all you can do is smile and try to be nice.

5. The tips will let you down at times

Some nights you will serve huge tables and parties of people. Sometimes these big groups will be complicated and a lot of work. You'll try your best to make their experience enjoyable and then when they leave you'll go their table to find nothing but trash to clean up. Sometimes people just don't tip and even worst sometimes people leave spare change. Your pennies are no use to me sir.

6. Cleaning up after people is disgusting

"Ewwww" was the one thing I said almost every time I worked. Used napkins, leftover partially eaten food, and gross messes are all part of bussing tables. Cleaning tables is definitely the worst part of working in the food industry.

7. There's a possibility you'll gain weight

A perk of working at a restaurant that can become dangerous would be being able to eat the food the restaurant serves. On your break, they'll usually feed you and it's a possibility that you'll go overboard at times. Eating the restaurant food a few times a week could lead to some weight gain. Totally worth it though because that food got you through your shift.

8. You constantly leave work smelling like the food the restaurant serves

Going to hangout with people after you get off work can be a struggle because you leave smelling like pizza or whatever food the restaurant serves. People may comment on it and all you can do is shake your head at the fact that your perfume failed you.

9. You're coworkers can be a handful at times

Working in a stressful environment can lead to some fights with your coworkers. Maybe they aren't working as hard as they should be or maybe they're just being annoying. Either way it will probably lead to a sarcastic comment and walking away to get extra napkins with attitude.

10. The chores you have to do can be a pain

Chores can include drying silverware, folding boxes, wiping down the tables, cleaning toilets, and restocking cups and plates. The fun never ends when it comes to chores in the food industry. You may want to shed tears while doing them but the fact you get to go home pushes you through it.

11. Sometimes you'll have to serve people you're trying to avoid

One day you'll just be minding your business at work and then you'll see that one person you try to avoid all contact with. With your luck, however, you'll have to bring them their food with a big smile on your face. You'll most likely be internally screaming the entire time and thinking about how you have to tell your friends about this when you get off.

Working at a restaurant can be an exhausting and unenjoyable experience, but somebody has to do it. The only thing that keeps you from quitting is that beautiful check at the end of the week. That money makes all the rude customers, fake smiles, and smelling like parmesan cheese 100% worth it.

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