Whenever I look at a photograph, I initially think about the photographer. I wonder what the artist was trying to capture in the piece of art. A photograph can tell a story, express a feeling, and make a statement at the same time. The way an artist frames the subject can change themes or make an impact on the viewer.
The concept of photography always appealed to me from a young age. I loved how you could feel an artist’s emotions through a single photograph. Photography is a form of expression in a different medium than painting or drawing. I am able to take a photo and it represent how I am feeling at that moment. The colors, angles, and subjects can convey my feeling to anyone who sees my photo. Photography has been a way for me to express how I feel and my opinions in a nontraditional medium.
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If I have ever walked with you, there is a good chance I have probably stopped in the middle of the road or in the sidewalk to capture a photo. When I see a potential photograph, I stop what I am doing to try and take a picture because I never know when I will experience something like it again.
Photography has been my passion since I was in 8th grade. I remember one day picking up my camera and taking random photos of objects around the house. I am not going to lie, they were really rough photos. All the photographs were out of focus and the lighting was weird. I will never forget this first time I started “photography,” and from that moment, I never left the house without a camera.
I initially started my hobby through taking a photo and adding a quote to it. I was inspired by cute motivational pictures that I would find online. Normally my photos would have a song lyric or well-known quote because I thought the words would make it more appealing and captivating. Over time, I phased out my use of quotes and I found that photographs can be just as powerful without words. Photography is a form of art that does not need a description, it is an experience.
I use my camera lens to see the world from a different angle. I slow down and take in my surroundings to see to what other people pass do not typically see. I want to capture the little details that make the world unique. It is my personal belief that anything can be art if looked at from a specific view and Ii use this philosophy when taking my photographs. It inspired me to take photos under the name Other View Photography. I created the name when I first started to take pictures and I still believe that is the purpose of my photography. The photos are my way of looking at the world in a new light and showing my perspective.
Photography can be anything from a picture of a sunset to a constructed photo with props. It is a way to express what you think is beautiful and worth capturing. When I think of photography, I think of how I can find a new angle on an ordinary object. For years, I have had a camera at my side in case I need to take a photo.