Finding a roommate in college is kind of hard. Who are you going to live with that you trust to pay bills and rent on time? Who can you be weird with and be comfortable enough to spend time outside of your room with? Randoms aren't always a match made in heaven, and people tell you to never live with your best friend. But why not live with your best friend? They know you better than anyone else and you know whether they'll pay on time or not. I currently live with my best friend and honestly, I'm not sure why we didn't live together sooner.
You guys know when and when not to talk to each other
Like in the morning when you're not happy to be awake at 8 a.m. and are barely functioning. But you can also trust each other to wake the other up when the alarm just is not doing the job.
Pranking each other becomes a contest
Scaring the day lights out of each other becomes a week long contest on who can get the most scares. It also forces you to start looking over your shoulder and locking doors because all trust is out the window when the prank wars begin. Which is also why it only lasts a week because you can only look over your shoulder so many times before a truce must be struck.
Its okay to walk around with no pants on
Living with your best friend means that pants are an option.
You have a shoulder to cry on
Sometimes the stress of life can just soccer kick you in the face and all you can do is cry over what a mess your life is. But when you live with your best friend - you never have to cry alone.
They remind you of things you forgot
Sometimes you'll just be Netflixing in bed and they'll pop a head in and say "you finished the paper?" the answer is always no. That's how an all nighter begins.
You thank God that you live with them everyday
No matter if you had a good day or a bad day, sometimes coming home to your bestie singing and dancing while cooking a meal is just what you needed. You laugh and do stupid random things. You stay up late talking about life and how neither of y'all are ready to be actual adults in the real world. You go on late DQ runs, make Facebook live videos, and just sometimes sit in the living room enjoying the company. Whatever it is - you thank God for them everyday because you know life wouldn't be the same without them by your side.