One of the most difficult things about being a girl is not knowing who to trust or when to start trusting them. You do everything in your power to see the good in them and believe they’re the best thing for you, but are they?
In this generation, guys will tell you everything and anything you want to hear. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are lying to you, but they’re definitely bending the truth in order to keep you somewhat happy without causing problems. In college relationships, one of the biggest concerns is whether or not your current hook up or significant other is being loyal. As college girls, we don’t mind the idea of having a steady hook up. However, that does not mean that we encourage our hook up, even if it is “nothing serious”, to hook up with other people. We do not like sharing, and this definitely applies if the relationship is something serious.
You have your nights when you’re with your girls and your man is with the guys, but we can’t help but wonder what they’re doing. Usually, your first thought is that they must be with another girl, but we continue to convince ourselves otherwise. We do this not only to keep our sanity, but again because we like to see the good in them and we look for every reason to believe that we can trust them. When we finally decide to give in and text them that cute little “I’m thinking about you” text, we get nervous, hide our phones and just hope for a response later on...but never get one.
Being ignored is definitely a huge issue in relationships today. Not only is ignoring someone just straight up rude, it is the worst feeling ever on the *non* receiving end. If a guy ignores you, he doesn’t really care. If he makes excuses, he doesn’t really care. If you’re repeating yourself and having the same arguments and conversations over and over, he doesn’t really care.
The way to tell if you’re the only girl or not is through his actions toward you, as well as how he acts when it comes to commitment. Is he willing to fully commit to you, walk around with you by his side, and show you off to his friends? Some guys might do that regardless but is he willing to call you his girlfriend? Is he doing things such as ignoring you or spending a crazy amount of time with the “boys”? I’m not saying these are signs that point to him definitely seeing other girls behind your back, but if he’s not willing to commit, then he doesn’t deserve any more of your time. Like people always say, just because he is Mr. Right Now doesn't mean that he is Mr. Right. He’s not ready to settle, be mature and commit. But that’s what you deserve. You deserve someone to treat you the way you would treat them, and love you the way you already love him, even if you’re not the only girl.