Senioritis is something we all experienced in high school. After almost 13 years of school, we had earned it and we were ready to leave our hometowns. Once we arrived at college, we thought we would never want these years to come to an end. But just as all good things do, college must end. With graduation just a semester away, my peers and I have come down with a serious case of senioritis, and it is hitting us hard.
1. Procrastination is life.
If senioritis has hit, then you most likely are procrastinating on everything. From schoolwork to laundry, everything can be done at a later time.
2. What is motivation and how do you acquire it?
Having senioritis equals no motivation. You have no motivation to go to class. There is no motivation to go to meetings. There really is not much motivation to shower most of the time.
3. Everyone in your classes annoys you with their presence.
If you walk into class and immediately roll your eyes, you probably have senioritis.
4. Everyone in your classes is talking about their job offers.
And so it begins. You are still applying to 40 different companies and are patiently waiting to hear back, but that guy who never came to class accepted his first job offer.
5. Everyone in your classes is talking about getting into graduate school.
Let's be honest, you are just trying to scrape by and get a bachelor's degree.
6. You find yourself daydreaming about being in a new city or country.
All day. Every single day. If you spend the time you dedicated to write your thesis to look up dream apartments in Washington, D.C., you have senioritis.
7. You are just ready for something new.
You would give anything to just get to start a new cycle and make new experiences.
Seniority is not a bad thing. We are not wishing away these amazing college years. Those of us who have senioritis are just ready to tackle the next goal on our list and see what other amazing opportunities life throws our way.