The further I go into my college career, the more I realize I have way too much on my plate. Yet, I keep adding more. I had a conversation with my mother this morning in which I said, "Don't worry. I've got this. I multitask all the time." And it is so true-- this generation of college students have learned more about balancing a busy schedule more so than anyone I have ever met. We are used to being overloaded, underpaid, and extremely stressed all the time. God bless the person who decides they can take all of this on with us and loves us despite the fact that they never see us (we always have somewhere we have to be). To exemplify this, here's a few things our significant other usually has to put up with.
1. Dates usually consist of dinner, conversation, a computer, a phone, five textbooks, and Netflix.
And yes, you are somehow paying attention to every single one. Don't ask questions.
2. Simple tasks suddenly become exceedingly difficult because your motor skills sort of just... cease to exist.
Seriously. My brain can't comprehend putting the car in drive sometimes when I have 50 things to do this week.
3. They have to get used to approximately five minutes of together time at odd hours of the day.
We got to watch one whole episode of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" together? Score!
4. Mediocre is never OK, and you WILL complain about it.
With the amount of things that you do, it's never good to settle for the ordinary. And maybe your partner should realize that you wouldn't have picked them at all if they weren't "above the norm."
5. They need to be willing to sit with you while you cry about how much you have to get done.
This is something that happens almost every single night. Usually accompanied by you telling someone the next day that you "love everything you do and wouldn't change it for the world." And your partner usually looking at you like:
6. They need to learn that vacation time just isn't something that exists.
Going on vacation means abandoning your LONG to do list. If you were to be dragged on this so called "vacation," the most you would do the entire time is sit on the beach answering emails.
7. And 21 hours of classes is NOTHING to you, and they just have to learn to deal with it.
Yet you still somehow find time to balance a relationship while making straight As and going to rehearsal for the music department every night.
8. Punctuality is the key to maintaining a happy, healthy relationship.
How dare you be late by five seconds. If I am able to be at all of my events on time, you can manage just one.
9. If plans change, you may lose your mind...
You have to plan everything out to a T, and throwing a wrench in your meticulous schedule may just result in a mental breakdown.
10. Trying to do something spontaneous is like pulling teeth.
And when you do get to go out and have fun, you can't say that you're not a huge embarrassment because you forgot how to socially interact with other human beings. It's been so long.
11. But regardless, the times you do get to spend together are always moments to cherish and are always bound to be exciting.
Your significant other knows to expect that you are the best at planning things-- so dates, birthdays, Christmas... It is all full of love, creativity, and most of all.. hard work. You are a skilled enough master at multi-tasking that any dates and holidays are considered huge events to plan, so your significant other knows how much you appreciate them, just by being yourself.