It's not very often that we get to unplug unintentionally. The other morning, I woke up and my phone was completely shot. I have no idea how it broke, but it was done. Verizon told me the earliest they could get me a new phone was Monday morning. At first I was pissed, but today was a good day for that very reason.
I woke up and got ready for work just as I do every Saturday morning. I went out to my car and I was off. At first, I felt kind of odd not being able to listen to my music or text anybody. I got out of my car to go about my day of work, and the weather was beautiful. The birds were chirping, and the smell of freshly burning wood escaped from a nearby chimney However, I was still kind of upset that I did not have a phone to accompany me on this long day of work.
A few hours went by and that is when I felt it. The feeling was like no other, and quite honestly, these words will never do the feeling justice. I was unplugged; alone with my own thoughts and nothing else to distract me. In a way, it was rejuvenating. The day of work went by a little slower than usual, but I did not mind it. I got to walk the streets and think freely. I caught myself reaching down a few times to check the time, forgetting that I did not have a phone.
As I continued to walk down a narrow road covered by naked branches arching over the street, I felt a part of myself that I have not felt in a long time. It felt like I was a young kid again playing in my backyard imagining that I was a soldier in a battle. A feeling of innocence came over me internally and externally. No phone calls, texts or social media to distract me.
The feeling of disconnection was bittersweet, but I somehow felt more connected to the world around me. I was inspired like I have never been inspired before. After a while, countless creative new ideas entered my mind; various stories to possibly write about. The opportunities were endless. Who knows if I would have had those same thoughts if I had my phone in my pocket awaiting my next touch. Maybe this does not make sense, or maybe I sound crazy, but I know one thing for sure: we live in a beautiful world and more and more people are forgetting to stop and smell the roses.