Throughout college you will meet friends, they will meet friends and so on; these people will soon be dubbed the "squad" or if you're boring...your group. You will go on library dates, eat lunch together, meet each others families and party together. In each pack of friends there is on that they call "mom" or "dad"...
That's me, I'm mom nice to meet you.
You don't ask for it but it's thrust upon you but if we're being honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love showing up and everyone getting excited and yelling "Mom's here!" or they're introducing me to other people and they say "This is Kasey, but everyone calls her mom".
Being the mom of the friend group means you're the one they come to for advice, you hold their hair for them when they get sick (from the flu obviously), you threaten their new boyfriends in an attempt to scare them and you take care of them when they have a cold. I have brought food, gatorade and cold medicine with me countless times for my "kids". Also, you refer to everyone as "baby" or when you leave you say "goodbye kids!" and it's like "mom law" to take embarrassing pictures when they're not paying attention.
It is such a great feeling to have my friends trust me enough to make me the mom of the group and know shit would hit the fan if I am not there to keep everyone in check; and yes, shit definitely hits the fan when I am not around, trust me.