Snapchat has been taking the world by storm basically since the moment it was created. Between their array of filters, featured stories and news, and their newest update, snap map, the company surely knows how to keep users interested and on their toes. One of the more popular features of Snapchat is the Snapchat streak, which means two people have Snapped each other within 24 hours for a specific number of consecutive days. For some people, Snapchat streaks are too much of a commitment and a burden they are not able to handle. But there are certainly individuals who take their streaks very seriously…
1. It’s not just a habit, it’s a responsibility.
Those flames don’t create themselves. You gotta work for it. It might sound easy, but one of the thrills of being obsessed with your streaks is the level of dedication it requires to continue them.
2. The first thing you do every morning is make sure your Snappers know you are alive and well.
Tip: One of the easiest ways to keep your streaks is to Snapchat every morning basically before you do anything else. Who cares if you’re still in bed and look like a mess? Not your Snap streak friends, cause they’re probably doing the same exact thing!
3. When you’re committed to a Snap streak but the other person is not.
People need to understand the risks of committing to a streak with someone fully invested in it. If it goes downhill, the whole relationship could be ruined. Grudges are certainly held against those who disappoint by forgetting to Snapchat.
4. That mini panic attack you get when you see the timer emoji.
On the verge of a mental breakdown, you immediately send thousands of pictures of yourself with every imaginable filter and the caption “Keep the streak.”
5. And then the relief you feel when it goes away.
Whew, that was a close one.
6. The horror and disappointment you feel when you lose a really long streak.
There is a part of you that doesn’t want to freak out because you think, hey, it’s not a big deal, right? But it is. The moment you realize a streak has disappeared makes your heart sink and from then on you make the pledge to never let it happen again.
7. The agony of relying on someone else to keep streaks for you.
If you have had your phone taken away/broken, you understand this one. Giving out your Snapchat password might as well be you signing away your life to another person. There is so much responsibility loaded onto this task and many people fail. For those who keep the streaks for their friends, know you are a true hero.
8. The pride you feel when you hit the 100/365-day mark.
The number of screenshots of Snapchat streaks on your phone is absurd.
9. Having streaks with people who you don’t even talk to in real life.
Strictly professional. It’s certainly an interesting type of relationship. But in 2017, it’s not rare. People are willing to take and send pictures of themselves with ridiculous filter masks on more than they would be willing to actually have a real, face-to-face conversation with them. Way to kill it out there, Millennials.