We have all dealt with that awkward phase at the beginning of a new relationship. When I say awkward phase I don't mean that new couple, just got out of the friend zone awkward phase, but rather, the phase of not knowing if the other person is a cat-person or a dog-person. You know in you're head they can only be one or the other, and you hope, with all your heart, they are the same type of person as you. You have the same interests, you make each other laugh, and everything might seem perfect, but you can never be completely positive until you find out whether they prefer cats or dogs. EEK.
For some strange reason this is just how society has chosen to categorize the animal-loving people of the human race. It is so sad that there are only two categories. I mean, sure I guess you can be a bird person, or a guinea pig person, but the main concern is whether you would buy three cats, or three dogs.
I am going to be totally straight forward when I say that I am a total dog-person. Yes, I am the girl that will stop you and your dog while you're out for a walk and ask if I can pet him/her. Also, I will probably ask you 101 questions about the dog. I am totally guilty of making those crazy noises (I know you all know what I am talking about) whenever I see a cute pup.
But why?
Well O.K don't get me wrong, I am not anti-feline. If you have a cat, it is likely that I will still pet him/her until he/she purrs, but if you have a dog it is game-over. For some reason, I see dogs as way friendlier animals than cats. I would never invite a cat to a slumber party, but if it's a dog, they can totally spend the night.
I have always grown up with a dog in my household, so I am totally biased, but I also, like to see myself as a person that has a genuine connection with dogs (Maybe I will be the next dog whisperer). My dog is definitely one of my best friends, and I am totally cool with admitting it. They are always there to listen to you, there's no pushing them away, and they are always down to hang and play with you. A dog ensures you always have a friend, and never feel alone.
Society definitely plays a role in depicting cats and dogs differently. Commercials depict dogs as fun animals that are constantly running around, or following their owner's every move. Whereas, when you see cats in TV commercials, they are usually in a fancy house, with a fancy collar, and acting very proper. Even the commercials, with the depressing music, that make you want to change the channel before you cry, show dogs way more than cats. If society were to be a person, they would totally be dog-person.
Maybe one day I will have the privilege of meeting a cat that will change my perspective, but until then, you can find me searching online for pups, and visiting pet stores. With that being said, I am going to go snuggle with my dog and watch a movie.
Peace, Love, & Pups.