What most people don’t realize is that the majority of athletes playing in a Division 3 school had the opportunity to play at a higher level, and just because we’re D3 doesn't put us at the bottom of the food chain.
Having the opportunity to play at a higher level is such an accomplishment, but playing the sport you love while getting an exceptional education is an incredible combination that will stay with you for the rest of your life. We are learning to be doctors, nurses, biologists, and lawyers while still being incredibly competitive in our athletics. Our schooling is never put on the back burner because we have a game, a match, or a meet. We are never told that it’s okay to have brawn over brains; we have both. Why pick just one?
Being a Division 3 athlete means waking up for 6 a.m. practice, going to 8 a.m. class, going to your second practice, staying up until midnight studying, and then setting your alarm to do it all over again. Being a Division 3 athlete means not being able to play in a game if your GPA is too low; it means going to study tables until your coach thinks you’ve learned your lesson. Being a Division 3 athlete means always expecting more of yourself and working hard until you reach your goals. We are Division 3 athletes because we choose to be, not because we aren't worthy of a higher title or because we aren't good enough at our sport. We are not expected to be better at our athletics than we are academically. We are brawn and brains.