Cubs fans are the most loyal fans in baseball.
A few years ago if you were to tell someone that you were a Cubs fan they'd look at you like you were crazy. The Cubs have had some extremely tough years and it sometimes made being a fan seem unbearable. But no matter what we, Cubs fans, have stuck it out and always remained hopeful.
You'll develop a love-hate relationship for them.
Since you've always been a fan, you were there for those hard to watch games. Of course your love for them will always prevail, but occasionally when they're having a losing streak you may consider crossing over to the South Side.
You know what you'll be watching April - September.
For most people they're looking forward to the start of a new season of their favorite shows, but for us, Cubs fans, we're just looking forward to the start of a new season.
You'll start to become superstitious.
You probably won't even realize it's happening, but eventually you'll have rituals for when the Cubs are playing. So for all of us that made promises on what we'd start doing or give up if the Cubs were to win, it's time for us to live up to our end of the deal.
There's nothing like singing 'Go Cubs Go' after a win.
Especially after being crowned the World Series Champs!