Before going to college no one ever told me that you get sick, basically every other week. I wish that someone had told me, so I could have prepared myself better.
Normally, I always get sick when it comes time to go back to school, but I never expected to be this sick so much. It has only been a little under three months of being in school, and I have been sick three times now. Writing this, I am laying in bed sick. Let me tell you, you will watch more Netflix than you ever thought you would (I know, that is a lot).
Being sick at college is horrible. You do not have your own bathroom to go to when you need to go, and your mom isn’t there to make you tea or soup. You have your roommate that shares a room and you avoid all conversation because you don’t want to annoy them with your whinny, sickly voice, complaining about going to classes.
Being sick in college means having to take care of YOURSELF.
That’s right, I said yourself. Because now you don’t have mom or dad around to be there for your every need and nurse you back to health. You have to make soup for yourself when you’re hungry, make tea when you need it, everything. Yes, I might sound spoiled, but it’s nice to have the comfort of your own home when you are as sick as a dog laying on the couch.
With me being sick so much I have had to go to the doctors, alone. Let me tell you, that is so scary. One: I do not like doctors, and two: I had to fill out so much paperwork and did not know half the things I needed so I ended up calling my dad. Not having your parents around to care for you is the hardest thing to adjust to when you move out.
So a tip for all you seniors in high school, getting ready to venture off to college, start buying all of your dayquil, niquil, and tissues now. Because you will need them.