Rain droplets drizzled down my screened-in window as the dewy air shoved its way through the opening. Curtains flowed out as the gentle wind fluttered in. The quiet sound was soothing yet rather depressing since that was the only sound in range. I sighed in heavy grief as the depression pounded me like bricks. Long overdue tears of sorrow pooled in my weary eyes.
You always hear about people losing friends to death but when you experience something so painful like it for yourself, you have a whole other perspective on it. Unimaginable heartache that you would have never thought could have existed buries you. Weighing you down, you sometimes can't accomplish anything besides bawling.
Even in the brightest room I feel darkness arrest me. Pain fills my frazzled mind figuring out why this is happening to me and torturing me at such a high level of agonizing pain. Grief wraps around my whole body with its entire strength overpowering me.
I understand that people might mean well when they lovingly remark, "I'm so sorry for your loss," but that only feels as if the pain is getting infected.
So many words I wish I had mentioned to him before his final breath flock my mind. I'm drowning in a sea of depression and every breath I take rips the wind out of me. I stumble into my friend's empty house. Instead of hearing bright bubbly cheerful laughter, it's silent. So silent that I'm able to hear the howls of the terrible wind from the ferocious storm. White blinds my view of the winter wonderland with darkness and unrelenting snowflakes wildly coming down.
Over-exhausted from the bitter news, I head back to my bed as I struggle to switch my mind off. I know that there's a lesson that will turn out from this horrible news, I know that everything happens for a reason, and I will continue to search for the hope through this tragedy.