Everyone is going through something in their life, whether it's with no disabilities, physical disabilities, or mental disabilities. Someone is going through something. It's hard, trust me, I know. I have lived with mental disabilities my whole life, and it sucks! You never know what's going to happen in your head, and it's scary. One day it's all rainbows and unicorns. The next day you feel like you want to just stab everyone or just break down and cry.
Living with ADHD that comes with a learning disability [LD] is bad. It hurts you emotionally, and mentally. You never know what's happening around you. You forget easily, and you don't understand things like everyone else your age should understand. You can be slow or you are afraid to ask questions because you don't want to seem stupid for not understanding when everyone else around you understands. That's with LD. With ADHD You can't sit still, and you have to always be active. When you bounce your leg up and down because you get antsy during class and you are pretty much shaking the floor underneath you.
Living with anxiety DEFINITELY Sucks! You go crazy in your own head! When everyone says it's safer in your head; IT'S NOT! You are in your head bashing yourself, and you are in your head not lying to yourself that everything is okay, but it's really not. Social anxiety is also a thing. With school, jobs, your family, you think everyone is out to get you. You think you're going to fail. You bring yourself down because of it. It comes and goes and you never know when it will be back.
Living with Depression hurts like no other. Especially with anxiety in the mix of it all. You break down crying over spilled milk. You always think you are never good enough. You think "How am I going to screw up today?" You're always down, but sometimes you feel happy then you get scared when you're happy because you know you won't be happy for long. You hurt others around you when you are having this feeling inside you. You try to not bring your friends to your problems because you feel like you'll lose them because of it.
Everyone is going through something. Mental Disabilities are no joke. You never know what's happening in someone's mind unless you ask them and talk to them about it. Make someone feel special today and help them out. Don't leave them. Don't make them feel bad about it. HELP THEM.