OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, not Obsessive Cleaning Disorder. Most people associate OCD with clean freaks. They are so very wrong. There is so much more to OCD than being a germophobe or a clean freak. Most people throw around the term OCD without knowing what it really is. When people say, "just get over it," it can be tempting to hit them in the face with a chair. They just don't get it. You can't "just get over it." It isn't that easy. Having OCD is like being a puppet. You want to do something, but your brain says "no, lets do it this way" or "no, lets do this instead." It can be little things like sitting in a certain place at the dinner table all the time or touching your pencil six times before you pick it up. It can make baking cookies 1,000 times harder because all the cookies have to be the same size, and the same distance apart on the baking sheet. It means having to have your shoelaces perfectly straight before you will wear your shoes. It means having to sit in a certain desk in class and secretly plotting your teachers murder when they give you a new seating arrangement. It means touching your phone with your pointer finger six times before your brain will let you pick it up. When you don't do these things, your brain will scream at you, or you will feel wrong. You will have to do everything in your power to make that feeling go away and to quiet your brain. When people find out about your OCD, they may laugh and say, "just get over it" but they will never know the struggle of being a slave to your own brain.
EntertainmentDec 26, 2016
What It's Like To Have OCD
And no, my bedroom is not clean all the time.