Whenever I was making my move to an out-of-state college, my biggest fear (and top priority) was making friends. I think it's safe to say that all girls, including myself, feel the same way. It's the never-ending pit in your stomach on the way there because of all the nervousness and anxiety you have managed to build up. It's questioning if you're going to make friends, or if people will like you.
Although I don't know what I want from college (other than a degree) or who I want to be when I get out, I do know this: I found my best friend. And as long as I have her, I know the remaining years will go by somewhat smoothly.
Needless to say, going from inseparable to 12 hours apart within a day's worth of time has been a nightmare for me. Of course, she is so gracious, godly and compassionate while I'm so needy, lost and pushy. (Alright, I may be a little hard on myself but I'm sure she can agree with this at some times.)
The truth is, nothing prepares you for leaving all of your new friends at the end of your freshman year. You go from not knowing each other at all, to living with each other which means that you quickly have to learn all of the flaws each person has. You learn how they like their bed, and where they put their clothes. You can spot them from a mile away, or recognize their voice in the crowd because the bond that is formed in such a short amount of time is ridiculously strong. You may have met them just short of 10 months ago, but there is already a lifetime worth of stories told and memories made.
My college friendship is unlike any of my previous friendships. I'm not saying that my previous friendships weren't genuine, but this one definitely is. I mean, after all Kaela, you did live with me for an entire year by choice (kind of) and you so enjoyed it.
So, this one is for you:
My nine months of being your roommate did not prepare me for leaving you for three months this summer. As far as I'm concerned, I could live with you until we're old and grey and be content. Don't worry, though, I won't do that to you ... Maybe. Either way, you're stuck with me.
I know both of us are stubborn, and we normally showed affection by insulting each other, or getting on each others last nerve, but know that my year with you made me a better person. I came to Mississippi State lost, and confused and bitter about a lot of things, and you helped me find my feet again. You showed me how to seek joy through Christ, and to stay content — even in bitter situations. I learned so much because of you. I learned how to make a list, clean my room, clean my dishes, (kind of) and follow Christ whole-heartedly. Although I'd like to think that I did some of those things on my own, I know that you are really to thank.
You talked me into pretty much all of my good decisions, and talked me out of all the bad ones. My freshman year would have been miles and miles different had you not been a part of it. So, thank you for sticking around through all the good and bad days. I know I couldn't have survived even a few days without you supporting me, and I hope you feel the same way about me.
I'm counting down the days until we are reunited. I promise that I will run and jump into your arms, and I promise that I will be the best roommate. Again.
I love you more than you know. You are my rock, my mother at times, and my best friend. See you soon.