Being a college student and having an interest in politics isn't easy. You're told constantly that what you're saying isn't correct or you're constantly asked where your source is. Is it so wrong for a young person to be interested in the big stuff? We don't belong sitting at the kid's table anymore. We wear suits and high heels and stuff now. We aren't pretending or playing dress up anymore. This is now our reality so welcome us. There are so many things people say to us millennials the list goes on and on but here's some of the most aggravating:
"Where's your source? Are you sure that's correct? Because I haven't heard of this."
Are you really that obstinate that just because someone knows something you don't know it can't be true?
"This is ridiculous. You can't compare this to something in the past because you weren't even born yet."
Ever heard of history class? I did get myself an education you know.... I probably learned more logic behind events than you know because of a thing called history where professionals analyze events, people and historic landmarks in time.
"The world isn't such a horrible place stop overreacting" *10 minutes later* "Muslims are attacking us! We must stop them from entering our country even though non-U.S citizens haven't performed any terrorism on U.S soil since 9/11."
But didn't you just say..? I'm over reacting? me?
"Stop sharing fake news. That's the problem with your generation; you believe everything on the internet."
Okay seriously? Donald Trump mentions fake news and you actually listen to him.... Just because a news outlet sends out something that you don't agree with doesn't mean it's fake. Seriously. C'mon.
"You should really open your mind and see the other side of things." *next day* "No. I'm done. This is ridiculous and unrealistic." *shuts conversation down*
So I have to see the other side of things but you won't even hold a conversation over something you don't agree on or see possible? Dude. Really?
In the end we have all dealt with this person or people and have had almost the same reaction. There's no easy way to deal with the frustration of the stubborn blinded people we have in our life so I hope this brought some humor to your day. Best way to deal with it is to just leave it because we all know no matter what you say, if it doesn't agree with their side of things then it's wrong.