What It's Like Being Daddy's Little Girl | The Odyssey Online
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What It's Like Being Daddy's Little Girl

Dad's can't help but love their daughters.

What It's Like Being Daddy's Little Girl

Having a father that absolutely adores you is pretty great. He gets you whatever you want and lets you do almost anything as long as he knows the details of your whereabouts.

He may even let you drive his new car before your mom gets the chance to. I have always been second best compared to my sister. She was always the smart one; the one that was going to do something amazing with her life and work at a big four accounting firm (which she accomplished at the young age of 24).

Even with my failures, my father has stayed my number one fan and that means more than anything I could ever ask for. Having the support of your father and knowing they will always be there to catch you when you fall is the only thing a daughter truly wants. The new shoes in the window of the store, or the nice shirt you tried on, or the makeup brush you absolutely need to contour your face to perfection doesn’t mount to the emotional support a father provides when he loves his little girl. But with committing to this role, there are drawbacks.

Fathers get jealous. When they see that a boy is taking up all their daughters attention their jealousy resonates as anger at whoever is causing this mood change. I remember my sister bringing back a boy for dinner and my father going completely stone-faced upon meeting him making sure to give a sturdy handshake so that the boy knows who he’s dealing with.

Yeah, girls like to feel like their father is protecting them, but when he scares the living sh** out of a boy you like it’s gone a bit too far.

Planning weekend getaways can get a little hectic as well. You have to make sure you have an itinerary of where you’re going to be every hour so just in case something happens, he knows exactly where to locate you. This is the same for going out nights (Thursday – Saturday). The protectiveness factor is only because he doesn’t want to see anything bad happen to you.

A father’s worst fear is seeing his daughter hurt and knowing there was something he could’ve done to prevent that.

Arguments are inevitable and there are plenty of them, some even ending in neither speaking to each other for days. So when you see your father going a little bit off the rails know his intentions are only the best and it’s a sign for how much he cares.

For the people that think being daddy’s little girl is basically being the princess of the house, you’re not wrong. It is like that, but the queen is still your mother and she can veto anything your dad says.

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