What would you do if you were the opposite gender for the day? It's a question you've probably been asked once or twice in your life, either at a party or in just casual conversation. Although it sometimes can be hard to imagine life in someone's shoes who are different then yours, I've constructed a list of things that I think I would do if I were a girl for a day.
1. Wonder why my paycheck is less than my male co-workers
For every dollar a man works, the average a women makes is only 82.09 cents. It's even lower if you're a POC (person of color) According to a report done by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, also known as the OECD, the United States currently holds a 17.91 percent difference. While the United States is on the higher side of wage gap inequality, the highest country, South Korea, holds a stunning 36.06 percent difference between what the average male makes comparatively to his female counter part. Learn more about the international gender wage gap at the OECD website by clicking here.
2. Be called demeaning names for indulging in sexual pleasure
As a guy, it's totally cool to bang as many girls as you want. But a girl doing the same exact thing? That make's her a slut, a whore, a skank... you get the idea. If you want to have sex with someone you just met, or someone you've been with for a while, or someone you love, go for it. If you want to have multiple partners at once or at different times, go ahead! It's your right to do what you want in the privacy of your own life. Don't like sex? That's cool as well! Each to there own. You'd never insult your bro for getting some, so why would you insult your friend just because she's a she?
3. Worry about being sexually harassed or assaulted
Cat calling isn't cool. If you want to compliment someone, go for it; everyone loves compliments! But saying sexual things to a stranger isn't cute or nice, it's creepy and not okay. Women have to worry about being attacked or drugged by a sexual assaulter or rapist, whether it's going to a party, going out to a bar or restaurant, or walking home at night,. According to RAINN (The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) four fifths of sexual assault are carried out by someone the victim knows, while 47 percent On college campuses alone. According to the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, 1 in 4 women will be a victim of sexual assault while perusing a degree.
This has to end now. Women and men have to come together to end then inequality that women face on a daily basis. Feminism is everyone's responsibility to create a better and equal world. We have to come together as human beings no matter race, sexuality, religion, and especially gender. It's not a mans world, its our world, together.