Anyone and everyone adores puppies. Any type of puppy is a perfect puppy. They chew up everything you own (including the things you thought you lost months ago), they cuddle with you while they sleep, they pee all over your house, they accidentally erase most of your article while trying to write with them playing near you, and they are all loved dearly. Rescuing a puppy means finding a best friend.
Rescuing a puppy gives you exercise. You have to wake up early to get the puppy outside to use the bathroom and run around, because their morning energy is like one of six two-year-olds combined. You have to wake up throughout the night when the puppy is whining because it has to go outside to use the bathroom. You have to take them on walks, or runs, to somehow tire them out. You have to play around with them all day to keep them busy, because the second you turn your back, they are going to pee everywhere and you know it.
Rescuing a puppy gives you new friends. Everyone, and I mean everyone, stops to ask to pet your puppy. They want to know the age, the breed, the name, etc. You’re guaranteed to make friends with other puppy-owners and then later on have puppy-play-dates (because you have to tire them out somehow). People remember you, because chances are that when you go out the next time, the puppy will be out with you again. People want to be your friend because they want to pet and play with the puppy.
Rescuing a puppy gives you something to spend your money on. Not that you didn’t already have something to spend your money on, but a puppy definitely adds to those expenses. Between the adoption fee, the food, a crate, a leash, a collar, etc. it is super easy to spend all of your remaining money on your cute little ball of playful fur.
Rescuing a puppy gives you a best friend. A puppy is someone to spend your time with, cuddle with you when you’re sad, run around with, and to just enjoy watching grow up. That’s one of the many great things about a puppy, you get to watch them grow up from the very beginning, and so you know everything about them. You know what they love and what they hate, what their favorite treat flavor is, where their favorite place to roll around is, where their favorite place to sleep is, etc. Sharing all that with another little animal is one of the best feelings. It is fun, gives you something to do, and keeps both you and the puppy happy.
Rescuing a puppy is one of the best things one can do in life. That puppy will unconditionally love you its entire life, and you will unconditionally love it just as much. Though it is exhausting, rescuing a puppy means you saved a life, maybe even two.