I could not be more proud of the family that I come from. My parents have worked so hard to give me everything I could ever ask for and more. My sisters are the sweetest, most compassionate people I have ever met, not to mention my best friends. So as a whole, I have just been blessed with the most wonderful group of individuals to call my family.
Aside from being exceptional people, though, there is one thing that I am beyond proud of about my family. It is something that has defined the way we have lead our lives and the way I have been raised. This is the fact the I come from a family that serves.
My father began this line of service people when he decided to attend the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. After his four years there, he went to pilot school where he learned to fly F-16 jets. He then went on to serve in Desert Storm as a pilot in the United States military flying missions in the fastest jet of that time. Pretty badass, I know.
He continues to serve in the reserves and also works as an Admissions Liaison Officer for the Air Force Academy. He has raised us with a firm yet trusting hand teaching us respect for others, tolerance for all people and appreciation for everything we have.
His service has shaped my family so much that both of my sisters have made the decisions to attend the United States Air Force Academy as well. My little sister is currently attending a preparatory school that will put her at the Academy in the fall and my older sister will be graduating this very spring. I have said it before and I will say it again, but I could not be more proud of both of them for this.
My family member's decisions to be a part of the United States military inspire me every single day. The fact that they could be so selfless, so willing to give up daily luxuries to serve and protect all of us makes me not only thankful but determined to do my best to excel in all that I do.
Being a daughter and a sister to men and women who dedicate their lives to the service of our country is just so humbling. I see all of the sacrifices they make and think wow, I have it so great because of them. I see all of the hard work they partake in and can't help but feel a little guilty for the simple life I am able to lead because of them. I have grown up witnessing first-hand what it's like for someone to be totally self-sacrificing for their country and it has made me so grateful for the life I have.
Overall, I could probably spout out a million reasons why I am proud to come from the family that I do. They're the greatest people you'll ever meet and have given me the world.
But what I will always be most proud of is the fact that they have not only given me the wonderful life I lead, but they have also been a part of making it possible for everyone else in this wonderful country to lead the lives that they do. I will always be proud to come from a family that serves.