Power. What is it and who has it? If you asked anyone either of these questions there’s a possibility that you’d get very similar responses that all relate back to money. Power can seemingly be summed up into that one word. The rich are powerful.
But money is not the only qualifier of power. People have power in numbers and people have power with their words.
To me power is compassion. Power is love. Power is getting back up when you fall down, it’s not staying down and refusing to get back up.
Power is strength. Power is personal. Power is an extension of you. You are powerful.
As a woman, I am powerful. I can make my own decisions and choose my own path. I have that right, but not everyone does. So have the power to stand up for people who don’t, people who are pushed down and voiceless.
To me power is having the courage to do what is right for you, even though it is hard and sometimes scary.
I am powerful for knowing when something isn’t right and making the decision to change it for the better.
I am powerful for standing up for myself.
I am powerful for standing up for what I believe in.
I am powerful for being open to new ideas and possibilities.
I am powerful for being able to admit when I am wrong.
I am powerful because I choose to be