There is never anything romantic about living with so much pain and sorrow in your soul, especially if you lose the person you were meant for. I’ll get a little personal and admit that two years ago, in 2014 my world came crashing down on me. I was in a relationship with one of the greatest people I had ever known. The love we had for one another could blow anyone out of the water. It was scary to be 16 and love someone like that. It killed me to know that the one guy who knew every in and out of myself was no longer by my side. It takes a lot for me to open up to someone and adapt to a change that big. Fast-forward to two years later, I am now 18 and I still feel like that 16-year-old more often than I thought I would. Living with the pain and hurt has taught me a lot about myself and about love in general.
What is it like? Just like incredible love cannot be explained, the same can be said for the pain and aftermath of the breakup. It feels like you’re drowning in a deep sea of thoughts and memories of the past and of your ex-love and you’re 10,000 feet below sea level. It literally feels like a part of you is missing when you go out, when you stay in, when you do anything. Many people think its romantic and deep to have a broken heart, but in all reality, it sucks. It is the worst feeling in the world. It’s so horrific that I would be mortified to put myself in a situation where I can get hurt that way again with someone I do not know.
Living with a broken heart does help in some aspects of life. You learn to grow thicker skin and take everything with a grain of salt. Like everyone says, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” It is absolutely true because you learn from your mistakes and from your past, which lets you grow. Having my heart broken taught me that you need to be extremely aware of your partner’s or ex-partner’s feelings and see his or her point of view (that is one way to avoid this feeling). Out of the few lessons I have learned, overall, the greatest lesson I have learned was to never take someone’s love for granted. It has happened to me, and I have done it as well. It makes me cringe to think that I could be that way towards someone I love, however, you have to put love into the perspective of more than one person.
Life is too short to be hurting one another and putting someone else down because of hurt feelings. However, it is way too short to not piece things back together if the love is still there, work for what makes you happy, even if there is only one cell that still wants the person who hurt you, or who you hurt, if the feeling is there, then it’s there. Don’t waste the opportunity and desperately hope to avoid the pain and loss.