Best friends are very rare in life. However, when you find boys that become your best friend you feel as if you have hit the jackpot. Growing up I had a lot of guy friends, but I never found guys that I wanted to be with all the time until I came to college. During my sophomore year of college, I met two of my best guy friends. There are many reasons why they are great, but here are my top 10:
- They are always down to get food.Nothing better than having some friends that are always down to get some wings or a couple pizzas and watch Netflix.
- Sorority function? Check. Already have a date. I think anyone would rather go to a sorority function with someone they know they'll have a good time with, rather than somebody they barely know and may not have fun. There aren’t many things more awkward than sitting on a bus with someone you don’t know, so why not take your best friend?
- You always have friends to watch sports with. They will sit there all day with you on a Saturday during fall to watch football, then will be there to watch baseball with you come spring.
- They make the best food at 2 a.m. Fried Chicken or really good ramen noodles. They know how to cook and make your hungry stomach stop growling in less than 5 minutes.
- They prove to you that good guys are still out there. They treat you like you deserve to be treated. They hold doors, open the car door, and are always there to help you carry heavy things upstairs, even when you say you don't need it.
- They tell you the truth. Your girlfriends are there to tell you everything is going to be okay, while your guy friends will be straight up honest with you no matter what the news may be. A little hint; they will always give you advice on your outfits.
- They are a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, and someone who will be there to give you the best hugs in your darkest moments. They quickly become your best friend. Guys are easy to talk to, they know when something is bothering you so you might as well just talk to them about it. They are not only there for you during the hard times, but also whenever you feel the need to celebrate anything worth celebrating.
- You feel comfortable around them. No makeup? No problem. We don’t have to dress up around them, because they understand the struggle we face when needing to dress up.
- You always feel safe. Whether you go somewhere or just stay in, you know that if they're with you, they've got your back no matter what. You don’t have to worry about that creepy guy staring at you when you walk past, because you know your best guy friend is right behind you.
- You realize that no matter how much they annoy you, you could not imagine your life without them now. Boys are stupid, and 80 percent of the time are jerks. However, you could not be more blessed to have them in your life. You look back on all the memories, laughs and good times, and you realize that your life would not be the same if you had not met them.
So whether you already have your guy best friend or you are still waiting for one, just know you are going to be an extremely lucky person when you do find them.
- A girl who is extremely lucky in life.