What is it really like going to a small college in a big city? Things that no one tells you on college tours.
College is stressful, making new friends, finding new activities to do and especially if they don't have anything you're interested in. People say college is going to be totally different than going to high school but as we find out going to a small college in the city of Rochester (this is one school specifically) Is completely different than anything I would ever expect. Small schools consist of having no football team and having no sports that would be at most typical high schools around the area. We knew going into the school that the population is mostly girls but coming from a girl's perspective how many girls can you really deal with if you are a girl?
I was one of those girls that had more guy friends than girl friends and going to college I knew it would be completely different but I didn't think it would be this big of a deal. Everyone knows each other whether it's through your major or three friends that you make everyone talks just like high school. What stinks is when you love the school but the social aspect is just so bad that it ruins your college experience so much. I've seen a lot of people on social media say that they either love or hate the school but sometimes it's not just the school aspect. You spend nine months at a time you there and should feel confident and excited to be where you're learning. Especially since you're paying 30,000+ dollars to go there. It's not a place for everyone but it will definitely change your life.
I was one of those people that happened to live 15 minutes away and it feels like I could be across the country which is a good thing, I think. But, when you have such a negative experience your first semester all you want to do is leave. It's a shame when you get professors that care about you so much that they don't want you to leave but in reality you have to do what's best for you. I wouldn't change my mind about going here for the first semester it's part of life finding things that you like and don't like, I just wish I found the people that I have now in the beginning of the semester. Everything can change so fast and it's always better to have people that support you than ones that put you down.