What it feels like when the WIFI goes down.
If you’ve never had your WIFI go out, knock on wood. My computer is on it’s last leg (after 5 years it’s probably time to lay her to rest) but I’m still holding out until graduation.
Today, my WIFI was down. I was shocked as to how many first-world-problem sentences came out of my mouth (or a least in my mind). To make light of this misery, that still honestly hasn’t been fixed yet, here’s what it feels like when the WIFI goes down.
Well, I guess I can’t do homework. Bummer. It’s a sign from God that Netflix is in order.
Oh. Netflix is out too.
Okay this might be the end, is everything saved?
Pull out the external hard drive.
Restart my computer.
I really should restart my computer more.
That still didn’t fix anything.
Ugh I guess I have to go to the BLUU…
Free coffee at the BLUU…
Free dinner at the BLUU…
The moment of truth… does the WIFI work at the BLUU?
*Working for four hours*
Wow I’m so productive, I deserve Netflix.
*Gets home*
*Opens laptop*
it STILL does’t work?!
UGH, see you in the morning BLUU…
**Update, my WIFI is up but my trackpad is out...