After many conversations with friends and acquaintances, I started to think about "LIMITS," and I found it so hard to see what the limit was in life, but I found something better. The norm in my culture and many others is school, a career, work, marriage, having a "family." But, in this day and age, I hear more about "striving for greatness" or better yet "the sky is the limit." Now, don't get me wrong, it is great to strive for greatness, but what is the limit? The sky?
Countless times I found myself thinking okay Daenne, you are going to get your bachelor's degree, go to Med School, get married, and have kids. I got so caught up in this cycle that I lost focus on what mattered. So, I got to a point where I ask myself, then what? After the marriage and the kids, then what? It is usually one thing after the another, we are never fully satisfied, we always want more and most of the time we get more and more and more and we are never satisfied. Without God, we still have a void in us no matter how much we have accomplished.
Society plays a big role in this cycle because it’s almost like you have a pressure on you to get to the next step. The downfall of this is that you don’t have time to enjoy the moment and you want to please those around you. For instance, most college students don’t like to go to family gatherings because of that one question "WHEN ARE YOU GRADUATING?“ maybe they just had a bad semester, maybe they had to take a year off to work on themselves, who knows. Another thing society puts a lot of emphasis on is relationships, as if being single is a punishment. When one is single, you can be whole in Christ, and you don’t need someone else to complete you. You can do so many things for yourself while you’re single, but the most important one is that you can use that time to strengthen your relationship with God. A lot of time marriage get portrayed as the ultimate prize in life but it’s not it’s just one of the many blessings that God gives us.
For a long time, I didn't enjoy the seasons I was in, I was always anxious about the next season in my life. I would spend more time thinking about the next season than talking about what's going on "now" and enjoy it. The only time I would talk about what is going now would be if I have to COMPLAIN about what is not working. When I was working on my Associates in Arts degree, I was so focused on graduating that I missed a lot of opportunities that were around. I found purpose in my accomplishments and my next steps, which was not healthy.
While in my walk of faith, I got to learn to be content in my present season. One thing that has been helping me is having a grateful heart and knowing that God has placed me in my current season for a reason and I shouldn't let it pass by without learning the lesson or receive the blessing because He has something better for me in the future and this current season has part in it.
I firmly believe that God created us for more than just careers and family. Yes, He puts all these great things here for us to enjoy them, but we should not idolize these things or find our purpose in them. “Oftentimes, we are so focused on what the next step is, that we forget to appreciate the present.”
A family and being financially stable are not the ultimate things in life and it shouldn't be where we find purpose. Many of us don't think about this, and it took me a long time to contemplate this: AFTER EVERYTHING, THEN WHAT?
I got to learn that once we found our purpose in God, and seek His righteousness, everything else will come to place.
Yes, do work hard towards your career or whatever it is that you are passionate about. But, do think and see what your limit is (if you even have one) and if this passion is what is bringing you fulfillment instead of God.
If we are not content and grateful for what we have and who we are in Christ, then we are not loving God as we should, and nothing will never be enough to satisfy us.