As Christians, we are called to the Great Commission. You may already know what the Great Commission is, but I am here to tell you what I believe it means and how to apply it to our lives.
The Great Commission is located in Matthew 28:16-20, which says, "The 11 disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. When they saw Him, they worshiped, but some doubted. Then Jesus came near and said to them, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you to always, to the end of the age' " (HCSB).
If you grew up in church, you have likely heard the Great Commission more times than you can count, but, more than likely, you did not get the full meaning of the passage. It is something that people can take lightly, but should be taken seriously.
The Great Commission is when Jesus is telling His followers to make disciples of all nations. This means that as Christians, we are called to spread the Gospel and make disciples everywhere we go, whether it is at home, school, church, at a friend's house, a sporting event, a socializing event, a vacation trip, or even going overseas on a trip. Wherever we go or wherever we are at in the day, we are suppose to make disciples and lead others to Christ.
We hear about the Great Commission when our church is doing missions week, and sometimes we hear sermons throughout the year when a pastor decides to preach on it. Most people just brush it off when they hear this passage preached because they have heard this passage preached on several times.
I believe the Great Commission is one of the most important passages in the Bible because as Christians, this is the most important thing/job that we have here on earth, no matter where we are because God has commanded us to spread His Gospel throughout all of the nations.
Sometimes, we may be called by God to go to an unreached country that has no idea who Jesus is; or God could be calling us to reach the people in our community or somewhere across the United States.
It is scary when we feel the Lord tugging at us to share His Gospel to others, but we just have to trust in Him and do it. Sometimes sharing the Gospel could be through a simple act of kindness, leading or co-leading a Bible Study, or even simply professing your faith to others.
I hope you take the Great Commission seriously because this is our main job as Christians here on earth.