What Is the Application of Laser Welding in Aluminum Alloy Body | The Odyssey Online
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What Is the Application of Laser Welding in Aluminum Alloy Body

Lesser Welding

Laser Welding in Aluminum

With the development of laser technology and aluminum alloy development technology, further carry out basic research on aluminum alloy laser welding application technology, develop new aluminum alloy laser welding process, and more effectively expand the application potential of aluminum alloy laser welding structure, so as to understand aluminum alloy laser welding The application status and development trend of technology are particularly important.

High-strength aluminum alloys have high specific strength, specific stiffness, good corrosion resistance, process ability and mechanical properties, and have become an indispensable metal material for lightweight manufacturing of structures in aerospace, ships and other transportation fields, among which aircraft are the most used. . Welding technology has unique advantages in improving the utilization rate of structural materials, reducing structural weight, and realizing low-cost manufacturing of complex and dissimilar material overall structures. Among them, aluminum alloy laser welding technology is a hot spot that has attracted much attention.

The demand of Aluminum Laser Welding Machine thus emerges, Tianhong laser which serves as one of the professional laser welding machine manufacturers is the best choice.

Application of Aluminum Alloy Laser Welding Structure

Since the 1990s, with the development of science and technology and the emergence of high-power and high-brightness lasers, the integration, intelligence, flexibility and diversification of laser welding technology have become more and more mature. At present, some automobile manufacturers in my country have adopted laser welding technology in some new models. With the development of aluminum alloy thick plate laser welding technology, laser welding will be applied to the structure of armored vehicles in the future.

Under the background of reducing fuel consumption and increasing energy consumption ratio, all-aluminum body is favored by more and more automobile factories and applied to high-end models because of its advantages of light weight, high strength and good corrosion resistance. With the increasing demand for light metal materials by enterprises, the light metal welding process is particularly important.

Laser Welding Helps Lightweight All-Aluminum Body

Reducing the weight of the car itself is one of the most effective measures to reduce fuel consumption, and the use of aluminum alloy materials can effectively achieve lightweight body. The realization of automobile lightweight is mainly through the design and optimization of lightweight structure, the application of advanced lightweight materials, and the application of advanced lightweight manufacturing technology. The use of new materials is the most direct and effective method to lightweight vehicle.

The laser welding system is mainly composed of laser source, laser welding head, wire feeding system, cooling system, robot, PLC control system, etc, including flanging laser fusion welding, side wall laser fusion welding, side wall water tank laser wire filling fusion welding. The laser wire filling welding technology uses laser as the heat source, and is mostly used in the connection of the top cover and side wall outer plate, so that the filling wire and part of the base metal plate are melted, part of the metal is liquefied, and a stable connection is formed after the metal is cooled; Laser fusion welding technology uses laser as a heat source, and is mostly used in the connection of the inner and outer panels of the side walls, so that the upper panel is melted and the lower panel is partially melted, so that part of the metal of the two layers is liquefied, and the metal is cooled to form a stable connection.

Aluminum Alloy Laser Filling Wire Fusion Welding

Aluminum alloy laser wire filler welding is different from traditional laser brazing. The filler wire material is aluminum wire, which is softer than the brazed CuSi3 wire. It needs to strictly control the gap and reduce the oxidation of aluminum. Therefore, a pressure roller system and protective gas are required. The left and right welding seams between the top cover and the side wall outer plate are long. Due to the size, it is difficult to ensure that the gap between the upper and lower plates can be stabilized within 0.2mm. By using 1.2mm aluminum wire, the poor welding caused by the size problem can be compensated as much as possible. .

Design the pressure roller system, the pressure roller can be set to the required pressure according to the actual working conditions to meet the demand, and the pressure setting range is between 0-400N. The pressure in the system is set to 60N-120N, so that the pressure roller can ensure a good gap during the pressing process and will not cause the plate to be over-pressed and deformed and affect the welding quality, and ensure that the distance between the pressure roller and the wire feeding tip after the extension is kept at 5mm -8mm optimal distance.

The aluminum wire is easily oxidized during the melting process, especially under the action of high temperature. Oxygen will dissolve in the liquid metal to form pores and cause poor welding. Therefore, a protective gas needs to be used during the welding process. Argon is an inert gas that is insoluble in liquid metal. It can isolate the air, reduce the effect of plasma on the laser, and protect the molten metal pool during welding.

The purity of argon gas should not be less than 99.9%, and if the purity is not enough, it is easy to cause undesirable phenomena such as blackening of the surface. Coaxial blowing is used in this system. During the welding process, the aluminum wire and the shielding gas are sent out at the same time in the pipe. Adjust and optimize the time situation on site.

Aluminum Alloy Laser Fusion Welding

Aluminum alloy laser fusion welding is under the irradiation of a sufficiently high power density beam to cause the material to evaporate to form a high-temperature steam. During the beam moving process, the welding part condenses with the rapid decrease in temperature. In this way, the outer plate base material is partially melted and inner board to connect. The advantages of aluminum alloy laser fusion welding are fast welding speed and high welding precision, which not only achieves relatively high strength, but also has beautiful and neat forming surfaces and clear lines.

The laser welding control system has the function of analog output. By setting parameters through the software, it can output the analog output to provide the required power to the laser. In order to stabilize the welding quality, the power can be set periodically, and 12 can be set in one cycle. Set the parameters of different power. The laser beam performs high-speed deflection at a given frequency. When the set frequency is 100Hz, the scanning time for one cycle only takes 0.01 seconds. The X direction is the welding direction, the Y direction is the beam deflection direction, and the beam deflection amplitude It can be adjusted according to the actual plate conditions on site, and the focal length of the welding head is actually measured by the equipment.

Tianhong Laser serves as one of professional laser welding manufacturers, Robot Laser Welding machine is suitable for aluminum body welding. Robot Laser Welding Machine is one professionally Aluminum Laser Welding Machine.

Mainly used for automobile body-in-white welding;

Hardware configuration Imported medium and high power lasers, 6+2 operating systems such as ABB and KUKA, 2 external rotation axes, safe, stable and reliable;

With the addition of red light correction, it is convenient to align the laser red light during the trial teaching process and find the focus point;

Flexible operation of motion system, humanized design, better user experience.

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