It's every college students favorite phrase: snow day. There will not be a day where students would protest getting a day off to just relax. However, most college students use their snow days to do other things such as snage.
Snage is a combination of the words snow and dage. A dage is a party during the day for college students. Honestly, college kids will give any excuse to party.
For me, the logic is flawed a bit. Dages in general just isn't appealing, but going out in the middle of the afternoon in the snow is what I would least like to do on my day off. If I get a day off from school, I'm going to be using it to catch up on sleep and my Netflix shows.
For a majority of college students, we use snow days for something constructive or relaxing. Snaging is not on my list of things that I would like to do. It's definitely not on my bucket list of things to accomplish before college is over.
Nobody actually wants to stand outside in the snow with hundreds of other college kids drinking. It's just something that is made normal in college. Nobody really questions it.
It's part of the college culture. If there's anything to celebrate such as a snow day from school, college students will be there to party about it. It's one of the most unique parts about college.
After this chapter in our lives is over, we can never again to have an excuse to party in the snow in the middle of the week. I guess savor it while you can because it is truly special.
Before college, I wouldn't have even thought that people would willingly go out in a snowstorm. Like any sane person, I was thinking that a snowstorm would keep people in bed all day while watching TV. It just goes to show that college will party anytime they can.
If you need me, I'll be laying in bed finishing up my season of Grey's Anatomy. Not standing out in the cold with my fellow students day drinking with piles of snow around me.