When you think of a servant, you may think that of someone doing unpleasant things or possibly someone doing something that you would never think before. We also often think that being a servant involves earning money and sometimes that is not always the case.
Before we define what a true servant is, we need to ask ourselves, what does true service look like? If we are a believer in Christ, we more than likely know that service can be going on a mission trip or volunteering somewhere on our time. Those two things are true, but service is more than just that. God instructs us to serve others. In Galatians 5:13-14, it says, "You, my brother and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " This passage is talking about how we should serve others and not ourselves. The definition of service is, "anactofhelpfulactivity". This helpful activity that the definition talks about means when we are doing various tasks while helping others on our own time, we also share the love of Christ with the people we are serving to. We should also have a clean and humble heart while serving because it is not for our glory, but for God's glory! In other words, service is not to make us feel good, but to help others that are going through difficult times or just need help with various things.
We have defined what service is, but who can serve other people? Well, anyone can serve! A true act of service is when you are heartfelt and led to do it by yourself. One of the main reasons of doing service projects is to share the love of Christ with others who do not have a relationship with Him. This is pretty much the main reason why people go on mission trips with churches or organizations.
Well, how can we serve? We can serve by cleaning a house or church, mowing the grass, helping a friend out with homework, being kind to someone new at school or someone who is being bullied at school, unloading the dishwasher at your house, or buying someone's lunch or dinner for them. You can also serve others by praying! The list could go on and on of how we can serve others!
You are probably thinking now, so when can I serve others? You can serve others anytime of the day, week, and month! You can even serve your parents while you are living with them if you are still in school and you can also serve your parents whenever you come back home to visit them if you live on your own. You can serve whenever you are at school, church, and even at your friend's house! There are numerous opportunities to serve throughout every day!
So, where can we serve at? Some examples are: church, home, local homeless shelter, school, and various other places. Brian Ross, a youth pastor, said it this way, " We serve wherever we are at and we serve like Christ". It does not matter where you are at during the day, you can still serve others! It may just be picking up trash for someone else or saying kind words to someone.
So, now that you know what a true servant looks like in the eyes of God! The more we follow God, the more we see how this world needs Jesus and the way Jesus sees the world as. Serving is a big deal! It takes a lot of sweat, heart, and commitment, but it is so worth it! A servant is just simply someone who performs duties for others. Serving is not about checking off a checklist, but becoming a servant happens as we follow Christ and become more like Him.
I hope this gives you a different look on what service means, who can serve, how we can serve, when we can serve, and where we can serve at. It is sometimes hard to serve in specific areas, but God will always be with you and guide you.