April 3rd.
It's "American Circus Day."
It's "Find a Rainbow Day."
It's "National Chocolate Mousse Day."
It's "World Party Day."
Oh, and I forgot the newest addition to the calendar …
April 3rd is now "Punish a Muslim Day."
Throughout March, multiple communities in Britain anonymously received letters that April 3rd would be "Punish a Muslim Day." As you can see, each act would receive a different amount of points.
The real question is: Who's counting the points?
It's not a joking matter, but I can't help but laugh. Especially after seeing Hassan Minhaj's reaction. It's actually hilarious.
Despite that animosity that's attributed to this day, Muslims have received an enormous amount of support. Thousands of people, instead, participated in "Love a Muslim Day."
When I went to Dunkin' Donuts that day, the customer in front of me complimented my scarf and we stood there having a conversation for about 5 or so minutes. Rutgers University sent out an email: "Love a Scarlet Knight — Let's Combat Hate with Love." It attached a "Bingo" sheet to serve as a prompt in facilitating acts of love and kindness.
An influx of people on social media from around the world continued to remind us that there's they're here for us. Countless people assured us that they'll protect us from the Islamophobia of racists in the world. Cities all around joined in solidarity to stand up against Islamophobia, many of who surrounded mosques protecting Muslims from any harm that could have come their way.
To whoever created this "Punish a Muslim Day," thank you.
Thank you for showing me that Islamophobes will never win.
Thank you for reminding me that there's so much good in the world.
Thank you for making me feel supported.
Thank you for reassuring my faith in humanity.
Thank you for unintentionally making me feel safer.
Thank you for giving me an army of protection I didn't know I needed.
Thank you.