You've Seen People With Semicolon Tattoos, Here's What They Mean | The Odyssey Online
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You've Seen People With Semicolon Tattoos, Here's What They Mean

These tattoos have a lot of meaning.

You've Seen People With Semicolon Tattoos, Here's What They Mean
Lex Lapolla

You've probably seen people with semicolon tattoos walking around. It seems kinda confusing; why would someone put a semicolon on themselves? How random! In fact, these tattoos have a lot of meaning.

Semicolons are used by authors when authors don't really want to end a sentence. When someone gets a semicolon tattoo, they are basically saying they are the author and their life is their sentence: they chose not to end it. People who get semicolons are ones who have struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, or those who know people who have.

Project Semicolon is fairly knew; it was started in 2013 by Amy Bluel, ten years after her father's suicide. Amy also struggled with suicidal thoughts, and unfortunately committed suicide on March 23, 2017. According to its website, "Over the years Project Semicolon has become much more than just one person honoring a parent. Through musician support and social media, the message of hope and love has reached a big audience in many different countries, more than we could have ever anticipated." While it doesn't serve as a 24 hour hotline, it hopes to serve as an inspiration. Although it is Christian based, it is inclusive for everyone, regardless of faith or belief.

Mental illness refers to health conditions involving changes in thinking, emotion, and/or behavior. It affects nearly one in five (or 19%) of adults in the U.S. One in 24 (4.1%) suffer from a serious mental illness, and one in 12 (8.5%) have a substance abuse disorder. It can affect anyone, regardless of their cultural identity. It takes many forms; some are mild, while others can drastically affect the person's life.

Despite it being somewhat common in our society, mental illness is still rarely talked about. It is stigmatized, and people see those with mental illness as "defective" in some way. In fact, mental illness is the same as having a physical illness. Most people are also pretty familiar with it; In fact, phobias are considered a form of mental illness!

Project Semicolon aims to reduce the stigmatization of mental illness. So many people suffer from mental illnesses, and yet it is rarely addressed. By getting a tattoo of a semicolon, and then explaining its meaning to people, you are helping to end the stigma. The only way to end stigmas is to take action; educating people is a form of action.

For more information on Project Semicolon and how to help those with mental illness or to find out how to get help for your own mental illness, go to its website.

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