Summer camp: the hot sun, the crazy games, the even crazier counselors, the sing-along songs, and the sweet, sweet smell of burnt marshmallow and bug spray hanging in the night air. Whether you had a great time or regretted every minute of it, the memories that we take away from these places each summer stick with us for the rest of our lives; after all, what is summer without going to summer camp?
Everyone has their favorite camp; a place where their greatest accomplishments took place, where best friendships were born, and where they grew physically, socially, and spiritually. For me, this place was Camp Lone Star. While I was never able to experience summer camp here as a true camper, I was still given the opportunity to go to camp as a junior staff member, which is right in the sweet spot between camper and counselor. As a JS, our job was to handle most of the dirty work that neither counselor nor camper wants to do: i.e. washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping and mopping floors, restocking camp items, and raking leaves – lots and lots of raking leaves
Camp Lone Star will always be a place that I can call home. I love my camp. I loved my time there. The people who work there are happy and joyful, and have an energy that is unmatched in every way. They genuinely love what they do; counselors put so much time and effort into making their campers feel welcome and at home and they do everything they can to assure that each and every kiddo is having fun. Camp counselors leave a profound impact on their kids each week. It’s incredible to see the connections that campers make with their counselors in just a weeks time; there is so much love to be shared.
I feel honored to have been able to make an impact on the campers during my time as a junior staffer as well. One of the most amazing moments of my summers happened during my last year as a JS: there was a young girl in my counselor’s crew who was obviously having a rough start to her week. She was quiet and scared of being away from home, especially since she and her sister had left their home in the midst of a struggle with their parents. I felt moved to speak to her about it; I knew how she was feeling and I knew that this tough situation was taking a deep emotional toll on her. After talking with her, I could feel that both of us had grown in our maturity and that her attitude towards camp and towards to her situation had ultimately been changed for the better; having someone else there who knew what she was going through and could relate to her was humbling and I could tell that she was in a calmer state of mind because of it.
My favorite part of our conversation from that day was that we were able to pray together. It was one of the first times I was able to feel the Holy Spirit move within both of us and calm our hearts and minds; I felt a new sense of confidence in myself and in my faith. We both found a friend in each other, and we ended up being inseparable for the rest of that week. My second week of working there, I received a letter from the same girl, telling me how happy she was that we could be friends and thanking me for being there for her that week.
That was the moment I realized what summer camp is all about; these kids are here to have fun and get dirty, but ultimately, the greatest thing they take away from their time there is the friendships they make with their counselors and other campers. The best thing that you can do as a counselor is to truly love on your kids. Get to know them and make each and every one of their moments there worthwhile; the impact that you have on them is just as profound as the impact they will have on you.
This summer was the first year since my freshman year of high school that I haven’t worked as a junior staff at Camp Lone Star, and I genuinely miss it. After my first week-long session, working there just seemed like second nature for me; it was what I looked forward after every school year, and after my weeks there ended, I couldn’t wait for the next summer just so I could go back. I still talk about my time at camp; I take every opportunity I can to teach my friends and family the songs that I’ve learned (with hand motions), the fun games we played, and most importantly the spiritual lessons that were imparted onto me. Each summer I was able to grow more and more in my faith life, and each day I was given an opportunity to put what I had learned into practice. Camp is the perfect setting to set time aside and immerse yourself in God’s Word, especially when you are surrounded by a group of people who are truly on fire for Christ.
Summer camp is a whirlwind of excitement, new experiences, new friends, and great fun. The memories that you make there will stay with you for a long, long time (but don’t worry, the bug bites are only temporary). It’s a great time to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and slow yourself down, get back to your roots, and do what makes you feel like a kid again. I will always cherish my time there; the friends that I made, and the growth that I experienced are unmatched. My greatest joy is seeing others take part in the same experiences. My younger sister is finally old enough to be a junior staffer, and sending her off to one of the most amazing places on earth is something that I take great pride in, both as a junior staff alum and as an older sister! All in all, summer camp is what you make it. I can't wait to hear about the awesome memories that she will come back with!