Good morning my lovelies! How have you all been? Feel free to leave comments. I would love to hear from you all. I know that it has been a good two weeks since I have posted, but I didn't know any topics. No one left comments on the last couple of posts to tell me about some things that they would like to be talked. Well, last week I was in the car with my mom on our way to church. While we driving, this song named Intentional by Travis Greene began to play. I fell in love with the song immediately. What's funny, is that I ended having to sing it at church today. Isn't that cool?!?!? No, that's okay. Anyways, I recently launched my photography business named Start of Time. Y'all should follow my instagram page. The name is @pixational. Now onto the other important stuff. The information you have been looking for.
Topic of the Day- Intention
One of the reasons that I restrain myself from doing different activities is because of intention. I can have the ideas, but with no drive or intention, why do it? So, I decided that it was time to change things. Now, whenever I want to complete something I question the idea first. There are three questions that you must ask yourself first before completing a task. They are:
1. What is your intention for doing this?
2. How can you help someone?
3. How can you help myself?
When one has no intention, they have no drive for doing anything. They have allowed themselves to go with the flow of the world rather than going with the flow of God. I can attest to this statement because I didn't really want to take the spotlight. I would rather do the work and have someone reap the benefits. I no longer do that, but I was like that for a long time. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, or what I wanted to even do in the moment. I liked following other people's orders/ directions rather listening to God's direction. The hardest thing for me at times is completely to God. There are times I question rather doing the task he gives me. I must thank God for not giving up on me after all this time. My words to you all (from today's' message at church) is DON'T allow yourself to wallow in the river of regret. From this moment on, you are going to step into new places and new graces.We are stepping into a year of supernatural blessings. Even when life seems too hard, you must believe that it will get better. Why you ask? Well, God has a purpose for all of our lives. It may not seem like it, but we were meant for greatness.This is where pure faith comes into play. You must take that chance, and strive for a better you, a better life, and a better mental setting. That is all for today, so please leave comments about what you think of today;s topics. I am always willing to give advice when needed, or to just pray over whatever situation you are going through. Make sure to follow my instagram pages @miraculousd__ and @pixational. I hope everyone has an excellent week.
Over and Out, BM Beautiful Me