What is God doing? I think this is a question many of us have asked God either once or many times. In my case, I know I have asked this question many times throughout my life.
Have you ever had a lot of "bad" things hit your life all at once? When this tends to occur, I know the first thing I tend to do is ask God what He is doing. Our finite human minds do not comprehend what God is doing. Although it is dumb for us to think we would be able to grasp or understand what God is doing in our lives during those moments because we only see the here and now, we do wish to know what God is thinking. While recently being in one of those "what is God doing?" times in my life, I realized that instead of asking God what He is doing, I needed to ask Him what I could learn from the position He put me in. In every situation God places us in, there is something to be learned. God is not going to allow "bad" things in our lives to occur if they are not going to teach us something and/or glorify Him and further His Kingdom. Therefore, next time life seems to hit you hard, remember to ask God what He is trying to teach you rather than what He is doing. Because all in all, what God is doing is teaching you a lesson, you just need to take a step back and ask God to reveal to you the lesson He thinks you need to learn.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with My loving eye on you." -Psalm 32:8